Monday, March 03, 2008

Actual Catholic Liturgy Required in Twin Cities!

Co-Adjutor Bp. Nienstedt is getting some traction.

The 9 a.m. English-language prayer service, believed to have begun in 1968, has been shut down by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, which has moved in recent years to bring all of its 219 parishes into conformity.

"They all have to play with the same playbook," says Dennis McGrath, spokesman for the archdiocese. "They've had plenty of warnings to get their act together."The "playbook" is the GIRM -- "General Instructions of the Roman Missal" -- which spells out the rubrics for worship services.

There are a couple more targets in that Archdiocese.

HT: ChristusVincit

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