Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Crunch-Time for the SSPX

We rarely comment on the SSPX.  They are not irrelevant, but they are good at Jesuiticalizing almost any argument.

This news arrives today:

Vatican Insider has learned that the Lefebvrian superior will be handed a two-page document, containing the Church’s appraisal of the doctrinal discussions held in recent months between the Vatican and the Fraternity, approved by the Pope. It is an altogether brief but accurate document, which contains the answers to the problems raised in the discussions regarding the interpretation of the Second Vatican Council’s texts on religious freedom, ecumenism, and ecclesiology.

The former Holy Office will ask him to take his time in evaluating it and to then offer a response within a reasonable space of time, if not immediately. In short, the Lefebvrians will have to adopt a position: they may ask the Holy See for further clarifications, but they cannot beat around the bush any longer.


HT:  Rorate

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